Thursday, 9 May 2013

Clutch Aims To Replace All Your Favorite Shopping Apps

Clutch Aims To Replace All Your Favorite Shopping Apps

When it comes to shopping, many of us head to our smartphones first. Ordering items on mobile, however, isn’t exactly a seamless process. Many people research extensively for the best price, buy the item from one place, and then pay for it using an app or a physical card — that's a lot of hassle just to buy a t-shirt.
Clutch wants to eliminate the need for multiple shopping apps, and provide users with a single app that takes care of everything you need to complete a purchase. Already available on iPhone, the app launched for Android on Thursday.
Clutch works much like any other online retailer. The app has a Shopping Feed where users can “window shop” for items on sale, and its recommendation engine highlights items it thinks they will particularly enjoy.


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