Thursday, 9 May 2013

What's Up With This Terrible South Korean Obama Photoshop?

What's Up With This Terrible South Korean Obama Photoshop?

Step aside, North Korea and Iran, there's a new Photoshop master in town: South Korea.
Yonhap News, a publicly-funded South Korean news agency, published this photo Tuesday claiming to show South Korean President Park Geun-hye shaking hands with U.S. President Barack Obama. However, it's clearly two separate photos stitched together — very poorly.
The badly photoshopped picture accompanied Yonhap's report on a Tuesday meeting between Park and Obama — a meeting which actually did happen and wherein real, honest-to-god handshakes were exchanged
So we're not quite sure why Yonhap published the poorly photoshopped image. It might have been fine if the caption didn't explicitly claim the photo showed the two leaders shaking hands. And, if Yonhap was under deadline pressure to publish its story, there's no reason why it couldn't have updated its online story with an authentic image by now.
As a bonus, it turns out the Park side of the badly-split photo was taken Monday, not Tuesday, when the South Korean leader met with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. That explains the UN logo partially visible behind Park —here's a photo from that meeting:


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