Wednesday, 17 April 2013

New Form of Pig Latin Brings Home the Aconbay

New Form of Pig Latin Brings Home the Aconbay

Pig Latin, Incidental Comics
Idday ouyay eakspay Igpay Atinlay asway away idkay? No, that isn't a stream of typos — it's Pig Latin for, "Did you speak Pig Latin as a kid?"
For the uninitiated, Pig Latin is a made-up language that moves the first consonant of a word to the end with an added "ay," and adds "way" to the end of a word that starts with a vowel.
Got it? Good.
In this comic, however, Grant Snider of Incidental Comics imagines a pig reenacting many of the common Latin phrases that have been assimilated into the English language, redefining "Pig Latin" entirely.
There's one idiom you may not be familiar with: Snider notes that John Steinbeck used to sign books with a drawing of a flying pig next to the motto Ad astra per alas porci — "to the stars on the wings of a pig."


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Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio. Duis mollis

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