Saturday, 20 April 2013

Bethesda's Creepy Vines Tease New Shinji Mikami Horror Game

Bethesda's Creepy Vines Tease New Shinji Mikami Horror Game


Bethesda announced Friday it will release a new survival horror game game The Evil Within by the creator of the Resident Evil franchise. The company spent the week posting cryptic teasers on Vine for the project.
The Evil Within was originally codenamed "Project Zwei" and has been the pet project of acclaimed game maker Shinji Mikami since 2010. He had a teaser website up for his return to survival horror since then.
Bethesda spent the week teasing an unannounced project via its Vine account. Gamers made assumptions the new title was anything from a new Fallout game or even a new Wolfensteinshooter. The Vines tease barbed wire, musical scores, and a dark and creepy environment


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